

That link takes you to the main youtube page for R3D ONE.

Personally, I love this dance academy that started about 8 years ago, founded by Trank Duc Anh.

We can find different videos of different teachers with students, in each video I feel that the great progress that this academy has made is noticeable and it motivates me to form my own dance groups, in addition to liking very much the dance style they use, which is urban also called as new style.

I have my favorite character apart from the Duc, Mona is my favorite woman, I really love how she moves and how she connects the steps, her fluidity and flow to dance kill me, I also follow the instagram page where they upload a lot of content, which helps me learn new steps, rhythms and songs, I would like to go to Hungary which is where they have located this great academy.

I would say that I see his videos once a day, but not more than two days go by without not seeing any video of them, it is my inspiration to see them.

I watch a video and I have a huge desire to dance or be there at that moment.
