My autobiography

¡Hello! I am Francisca Javiera Barrios Calderón and i hope that we can met thought these post, ok, i have 22 years old, my birthday was recently, i was borned in 9 April 1999, in Peñaflor. Peñaflor is a commune to periphery of Santiago. I lived during a time in the Isla de Maipo, was around of two years, so i dont remember so much.

I live with my mom (Patricia) and my eldest brother (José) and we have two puppy (Sofía and Pelusa), they are so great and cute.

I was in many school since little, never i did many friends because to constant house changes. In 2010 we returned to live to Peñaflor and i intered to school Dreyse Belser, there i finished the highschool in the year 2016. I studied in the University Uniacc one year, but for topic personal i could not continue paying.

Later i intered to University of Chilean, i have gratuity, was one good oportunity. 

Okey here go the part amusing. I study dance, i stared to dance since that i have memory, but i didnt know until i stared to met me to myself, to enlighten myself and give the time of undertand that this life is ours and no one can decide for you or speak too. I want represent me and to who cant do it and need it 

So i decide to study because i think that our only mission is be happy and love.

Now I work in a fastfood place, of monday to Saturday, the truth that it is very tiring, but i have to survive.

My hobbies are go walk with my dog or go riding a bicycle in the hills, I like to sleep in the on hot days. I like to look the rain and draw, althought i dont do very nice, but i like it.

I like to go camping with my boyfiend and friends, sometimes i go to dance to streets and give dance classes, those are the best day. I back to home very happy.

Well, i hope continue talk you more things about me.

Say goodbye, Francisca
